Anfang der 70er gründete Richard Elfman, Danny Elfmans grosser Bruder, die Musiktheatergruppe „The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo“, ganz in der Tradition von „Frank Zappa’s Mothers of Invention“. Danny wurde nicht nur Sänger, sondern auch musikalischer Leiter des Ganzen.
Wenn man den gemeinen Filmmusik-Hörer/-Sammler diesbezüglich fragt, wird man wohl immer die gleiche Antwort bekommen: „Nein, ich habe nicht alle Filme gesehen, deren Musiken ich besitze.“ Bei mir ist das genauso. Natürlich kaufe ich mir Musiken zu Filmen, die ich gesehen habe und bei denen mir die Musik positiv aufgefallen ist. Aber ich entscheide mich dann doch öfter aufgrund des Komponisten für den Kauf, ohne den dazugehörigen Film zu sehen. Manchmal ist diese Entscheidung auch eine Kombination aus Komponist und Cover des Albums. So wie auch in diesem Fall.
In den 1970ern erlebte der Horrorfilm einen neuen Aufschwung. Eine neue Generation von jungen Filmemachern erschien auf der Bildfläche und gab dem Genre neue Impulse, welches bis dato stark von den Produktionen der großen Studios und Figuren wie Dracula, Frankenstein oder dem Wolfsmenschen geprägt war. Regisseure wie Wes Craven („Last House On The Left“, „The Hills Have Eyes“, später „Nightmare On Elm-Street“ und „Scream“) oder Tobe Hooper („The Texas Chainsaw Massacre“, „Poltergeist“) holten den Horror in die reale Welt und produzierten unabhängig Filme zu geringen Budgets. Purely and simply evil
It’s been seventeen years since The X-Files hit the big screen. Shot at a production budget of around 60 million dollars, the movie did cost 58 million dollars more than an average episode of the show. The movie did well in movie theatres around the world, although it wasn’t THE blockbuster one could have been expected after the show became a cultural phenomenon in the mid-1990’s. Tied in between season five and six, the movie continues the story arc about the planned colonialisation through an alien force. X-Files re-opened
September 10, 2013, marked the twentieth anniversary of The X-Files’ launch as a television show. So, what better date to release the second volume of The X-Files music by Mark Snow? The first volume, released in May 2011, gained high interest within The X-Files’ fan base but also with soundtrack collectors that aren’t huge fans of the show per se. The pressing was limited to 3,000 copies, and the set finally sold out in 2012. Since then, people who missed it were looking around the internet to find a copy of the set. Sometimes it shows up again on Ebay or the Amazon Marketplace, but unfortunately most of time for unreasonable prices. TrustNo1
„The Wait is over.“ This tagline from Chris Carter’s show, Millennium, fits the now-released X-Files box set very well. Nine years after the end of the show and eighteen years since its first appearance on the TV screen the fans finally get their hands on a massive compilation with music from the show. And it was no easy task. The Erlenmeyer Flask
Talking about The X-Files means talking about Mark Snow. Without his musical input, his haunting themes, and his capability of creating a dark and moody atmosphere, the show would lack one of its most important features. Rectal Palpation
With the increasing popularity of The X-Files as a tv-show, more merchandising products became available. So it was only a matter of time, until finally a CD with the score by Mark Snow would be released. In March 1996, The X-Files theme was released as an EP and became a huge success in Europe, even reaching Number 1 in the French single charts. In September of that same year, the album X-Files: The Truth and the Light followed. The Truth is out there!
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